Each insurance plan has their own coverage guidelines for TMS therapy. The list below is the basic criteria that must be met for most insurance plans for the treatment of depression:
While TMS is used to treat a number of conditions, insurance typically only covers TMS treatment for the diagnosis of depression. In rare cases, based on medical necessity, the insurance may cover TMS for other conditions.
At CNY TMS Psychiatry, Dr's Stepkovitch and staff will work with you to develop a treatment protocol that is best suited for your condition and circumstance. Standard TMS therapy is a 19-minute treatment session, Monday through Friday for 4-6 weeks, followed by six treatment sessions tapered over a 3-week period (for a total of up to 36 treatment sessions).
For those patients who find it difficult to attend treatment for several weeks, the FDA also approved an accelerated treatment protocol where patients can gain the same benefit as the standard treatment in just a few days as opposed to weeks.
Our doctors will work with you to determine the best treatment option for your condition. In addition to treating depression, TMS is used to treat stubborn, medication-resistant conditions, such as ADHD, borderline personality disorder, anxiety, Alzheimer's disease, bipolar disorder, tinnitus, fibromyalgia, and other conditions.
TMS uses brief magnetic pulses to stimulate a very specific area of the brain. With repeated stimulation over a period of time, the neurons in the area being treated begin to "wake up". As these neurons wake up and begin to perform their job, balance of neurochemicals and restoration of neural pathways brings freedom to patients by helping to alleviate their symptoms. Thus, the patient is able to live a much happier, healthier, quality of life. TMS offers many benefits, below lists just a few:
The majority of patients treated with TMS can expect to live a much improved quality of life and even remission from their symptoms for approximately 10-12 months, and even longer for some patients. Maintenance treatments or repeat treatment every 6-12 months are generally recommended to maintain your state of remission.
TMS can be a life-changing, life-giving treatment for nearly 75% of the patients who receive treatment. For more information about TMS therapy, give us a call or schedule a free TMS consultation.
Research indicates that the odds of responding to an antidepressant medication is approximately 27%. Alternatively, the odds of responding to TMS therapy is 58%.
Medications are accompanied by a myriad of side effects. Additionally, long-term use of antidepressants can be difficult to taper off from, as there can be disabling withdrawal symptoms.
Brain health is central to all health and healing. When your brain is not functioning properly it can have significant impact on your physical health and overall wellbeing.
CNY TMS Psychiatry is a Certified TMS Therapy provider for the greater Onondaga and Broome county areas in Upstate New York. We're your local experts for TMS, Ketamine, Psychotherapy, and Esketamine.
Phone: 315-671-2140
Fax: 315-673-5052
Email: Info@cnytms.com
Clinic Location in CNY:
31 E Main St. Marcellus, NY 13108
All Rights Reserved | CNY Psychiatry