The mechanism of action of TMS is still not fully understood; however, the response to therapy is indisputable and has consistently demonstrated results in the majority of research being done in the field and we see tremendous results in our own practice.
"The TMS electromagnetic pulse is generated by an electrical current running through the TMS coil, which by method of induction (Faraday’s law) generates a magnetic field perpendicular to the coil. This magnetic field passes through the skull unimpeded and in turn generates a corresponding electric field in the brain, also by method of induction. This electric field is conducted by neural pathways under the coil in a somewhat unpredictable way as brain tissue is not uniform and anatomy varies from individual to individual.
Neurons are conductive just like the rest of the nerve fibers in your body. Depending on the protocol used and frequency of TMS pulse, entire regions of neurons under the coil can either become excited or inhibited. In depression, neurons in the left DLPFC (Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) are targeted by the coil with an excitatory protocol (FDA cleared). Subtle changes in brain state, as a result of TMS, can last up to several hours and even days after a TMS session has been performed. If done repetitively over a 3-6 week period, TMS induces structural changes in the brain where the coil has been placed. Increased gray matter density and blood flow to the part of the brain stimulated have all been clearly demonstrated in research using MRI brain scans.
Not everyone responds to TMS therapy for depression, but most people will. Many clinicians see a 70% – 80% response rate in their patient population. At least half of these responders will achieve full remission. In the literature, TMS response rates when treating depression have been shown to be at least as effective as medications used to treat depression. And, of course without all the side effects that medications bring.
Many patients say they can still feel benefit from TMS therapy years after their first round of TMS treatment. The effect appears to be quite durable especially in people who respond well to treatment. In some cases patients come back for a few TMS maintenance sessions 3-6 months after their initial treatment. At CNY TMS Psychiatry, our goal is to develop a treatment plan with you that helps you to maintain your relief from debilitating symptoms - so that you can live a much happier, healthier, more joy-filled life."
- Dr. Stepkovich
TMS stands for transcranial magnetic stimulation. This form of therapy uses magnetic fields similar to that of an MRI machine, but targets certain parts of the brain to stimulate or inhibit neurons. During TMS Therapy, a magnetic field is administered in very short pulses to the part of the brain that research has demonstrated to be associated with depression. The typical initial course of treatment is about 19-37 minutes daily over 4-6 weeks.
Most patients can expect to start experiencing relief after 5-10 TMS treatment sessions. However, this can vary greatly depending on the severity of depression and the individual’s unique genetic makeup. Some patients may not feel the effects of TMS for several weeks, while others may experience a near immediate relief.
The most commonly reported side effects during TMS therapy clinical trials were headache and scalp discomfort. These potential side effects were typically mild to moderate, and were less common after the first week of treatment. During clinical trials, less than 5% of patients treated with TMS discontinued treatment due to side effects. If necessary, headaches from TMS can be treated with over-the-counter pain medications. If the side effects persist, the strength of the TMS pulses can be temporarily reduced to ensure the comfort of the patient. As with many antidepressant medicatons, there is a rare incidence of seizure (1 in 30,000).
Yes, patients are able to resume normal activities after the TMS treatment. There is no downtime or restrictions of any kind after a TMS therapy treatment session.
Painful? No. Uncomfortable? It depends on the individual. In the majority of patients, TMS is well tolerated with only minor discomfort on the scalp where TMS is applied. Most people describe TMS as a light to moderate tapping sensation where the coil is being applied. The sensation of the pulse may feel similar to a TENS unit.
Slight discomfort may be felt because there are several nerves in the scalp where TMS is being applied. Naturally some of these nerves will also be lightly stimulated by the TMS coil as they are also conductive and will pick up the electromagnetic pulse. You cannot feel TMS in your brain, as the brain has no pain receptors itself.
And even though stimulation of the scalp nerves may cause some discomfort at first, this too subsides as the patient progresses through treatment, generally after the first few treatment sessions.
TMS uses magnetic pulses to stimulate a specific are of the brain. These magnetic pulses are similar to those used in MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). For example, when treating a patient who suffers from depression, the physician locates an area of the brain called the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Research has found that the neurons in this particular area of the brain are underactive (hypoactive). With repetitive stimulation of this area of the brain, TMS works to restore the activity of the neurons in the area being treated. As the neurons begin to 'wake up' they produce neurochemicals, such as dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine - thus bringing balance to these neurochemicals in your brain. In turn, as these neurochemicals begin to normalize and take on activity, TMS restores the pathways to other areas of brain so that communication between one area of the brain to another is restored.
For a deeper look into TMS and how it works, please visit our TMS therapy page HERE.
Before your initial treatment, which is your mapping session (when Dr. Stepkovitch with locate the area of the brain to be treated), you may be asked to refrain from taking medications that might prevent a successful mapping.
Yes. For patients who have failed four or more trials of antidepressants, most major insurers will cover TMS treatment. Insurance will require a prior authorization which we can get in approximately 2 weeks following your consult visit. For off-label treatment or other situations in which insurance will not reimburse directly, using a health savings account or Advanced Care Card are common options. We offer discounted rates for those paying in full at the beginning of treatment and flexible payment plans.
Unlike psychiatric medications, TMS therapy does not cause undesired side effects, such as GI upset, constipation, headaches, insomnia or other sleeping problems, weight gain, sexual dysfunction, lethargy, cognitive deficits, or other systemic symptoms.
Unlike electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), TMS therapy does not induce a seizure or cause debilitating side effects, such as confusion, memory loss, muscle spasms, psychosis, and TMS is not an invasive procedure requiring anesthesia or medications of any kind.
At CNY TMS Psychiatry nearly 75% of patients who elect TMS therapy as a treatment option can expect a significant reduction in their symptoms with notable improvements in sleep, mood, cognition, and an increase in energy and level of motivation.
CNY TMS Psychiatry is a Certified TMS Therapy provider for the greater Onondaga and Broome county areas in Upstate New York. We're your local experts for TMS, Ketamine, Psychotherapy, and Esketamine.
Phone: 315-671-2140
Fax: 315-673-5052
Clinic Location in CNY:
31 E Main St. Marcellus, NY 13108
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